Your Donation Matched up to $8,000!

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Bigger Trailer 4 Six UPDATE

Your donation matched up to $8,OOO! An anonymous donor will match your donation up to $8,OOO!

This means whatever you give toward helping this homeless family will be doubled. $10 turns into $20! $25 turns into $50! $50 turns into $100! Whatever you give will be multiplied times 2!

This matching grant is an incredible opportunity to increase the financial impact of your gift… and more… it speaks to the unfurling character of compassion: love is not who we are on our own, it creates the heart of who we are together.

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. I would rather make mistakes in kindness and compassion than work miracles in unkindness and hardness.” ― Mother Teresa

“We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Please consider helping Chris and her children.
Thank you!

Ivan, Ann, Hannah, and Isaiah

Did I tag the same object?

The Chinese released a satellite image of an object that may be related to missing flight #370. Did I tag the same object in my Tomnod search?

According to the caption on the photo, the Chinese satellite image is dated March 18, 2014. Tomnod’s satellite capture was March 16, 2014, at 4:44 am UTC.

If it is the same object, it might be an important clue to help determine the direction and speed of floating debris from a possible water crash site.

I tagged several objects in the same area, including what might have been oil slicks.

What do you think?

Released Chinese Satellite Photo Dated 3/18/2014

Released Chinese Satellite Photo Dated 3/18/2014

Released Tomnod Satellite image Dated 3/16/2014

Released Tomnod Satellite image Dated 3/16/2014

My tag on the Tomnod photo.

My tag on the Tomnod photo.

Bigger Trailer for 6 Update

Raised $3,313.00 toward helping this family have better living conditions!

Simple kindnesses are never wasted: an encouraging word, a door held open, a stranger’s smile, a cup of water; modest gifts of mercy fall like seeds of hope into the dark places. Watered together with compassion, they sprout life.

Fact: a tender shoot can push its way up through rock.

More is going on here than fundraising for better living conditions. With each gift, a mother and her children are being told that they matter. They are being gifted with language to help them imagine beyond the asphalt of dire circumstance that is paved above their heads. Their hearts are being strengthened to press on for one more day.

Fact: hope is propelling them into the sun.

Will you please consider strengthening their hope with a monetary gift? Or will you please consider watering the selfless gifts of others with prayers of compassion? Or will you please consider sharing our efforts with your family and friends?

For those of you who have already blessed this family with gifts, or with faith’s watery way, or by sharing their story with others, we extend our deepest gratitude. Thank you. Ann, Ivan, Hannah, and Isaiah.

BiggerTrailer4Six Update

$1700 Raised!

$1700 Raised!

It’s true. Amazing things happen. In 9 days, 9 people raised $1700. ROCK ON! We are celebrating! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Our family chose to live in a 429 sqft RV. We joke that each of one of us gets 100 sqft and the dog gets 29. The important point, all joking aside, is that we chose to minimize our life-style.

Recently, we met a family of 6 who did not choose to live in a trailer, but it’s their only option. A generous estimate of their living space is 84 sqft (about 14 sqft per person). They’re making the best of it, they’re gracious, and their only concern has nothing to do with personal comfort. Mom worries about safety.

We started a fundraising campaign to gift this family with a bigger RV- one that has a private toilet, a shower, and where no one has to sleep in the aisle.

Life is messy, but we give hope when we help each other. Please consider giving hope to this family!

In faith and life,

Ann, Ivan, Hannah, and Isaiah